Jacques Derrida's Deconstruction: Key Concepts Explored

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Jacques Derrida Flashcards


What is Jacques Derrida's concept of "deconstruction"?   drill jacques_derrida_concepts


A philosophical and critical method that challenges traditional assumptions about language, meaning, and knowledge. It seeks to expose the underlying contradictions and instabilities within texts and systems of thought.


Explain Derrida's concept of "differance."   drill jacques_derrida_concepts


A neologism combining "difference" and "deferral," highlighting that meaning is produced through differences between signs and is always deferred, never fully present. It challenges the idea of stable, fixed meaning.


What does Derrida mean by "trace"?   drill jacques_derrida_concepts


The mark or absence of a sign that is always already present in its meaning. It suggests that meaning is not self-contained but relies on a network of differences and absences.


What is Derrida's critique of "logocentrism"?   drill jacques_derrida_concepts


The critique of the Western philosophical tradition's privileging of speech (logos) over writing, and the belief in a stable, self-present origin of meaning. Derrida argues that writing is not secondary to speech but is constitutive of meaning.

Metaphysics of Presence

Explain Derrida's concept of "metaphysics of presence."   drill jacques_derrida_concepts


The Western philosophical tradition's prioritization of presence, immediacy, and self-identity over absence, difference, and deferral. Derrida challenges this by showing how meaning is always already deferred and marked by absence.

Binary Oppositions

How does Derrida approach "binary oppositions"?   drill jacques_derrida_concepts


Derrida deconstructs binary oppositions (e.g., speech/writing, presence/absence) to show how they are not stable or mutually exclusive but are hierarchically organized and mutually dependent.


What does Derrida mean by "aporia"?   drill jacques_derrida_concepts


A state of impasse or puzzlement where a text or concept contradicts itself, leading to an undecidable situation. Derrida uses aporia to expose the limits of traditional logic and reasoning.


Explain the concept of "undecidability" in Derrida's thought.   drill jacques_derrida_concepts


The recognition that meaning is never fully determined or fixed, but is always open to multiple interpretations. It challenges the idea of a single, authoritative interpretation of texts and concepts.

Author: Jason Walsh


Last Updated: 2024-08-14 06:08:50