Immanuel Kant Flashcards: Key Concepts in Kantian Philosophy

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Immanuel Kant Flashcards

Transcendental Idealism   drill immanuel_kant_concepts

What is Immanuel Kant's "transcendental idealism"?


A philosophical view that distinguishes between the world as it appears to us (phenomena) and the world as it is in itself (noumena). It argues that our knowledge is limited to the realm of appearances, which are shaped by our own mental faculties.

Categorical Imperative   drill immanuel_kant_concepts

Explain Kant's concept of the "categorical imperative."


The supreme principle of morality, which states that one should act only according to that maxim (rule) that one can will to become a universal law. It emphasizes the importance of acting out of duty and respect for moral law.

Noumena   drill immanuel_kant_concepts

What does Kant mean by "noumena"?


Things-in-themselves, or the world as it exists independently of our perception and understanding. Noumena are unknowable to us, as our knowledge is limited to the realm of phenomena.

Phenomena   drill immanuel_kant_concepts

What are "phenomena" in Kant's philosophy?


The appearances of things as they are perceived and understood by our minds. Phenomena are shaped by our own mental faculties, such as space, time, and the categories of understanding.

A Priori   drill immanuel_kant_concepts

What is "a priori" knowledge?


Knowledge that is independent of experience and derived from reason alone. It is universal and necessary, as opposed to a posteriori knowledge, which is based on empirical observation.

A Posteriori   drill immanuel_kant_concepts

What is "a posteriori" knowledge?


Knowledge that is derived from experience and empirical observation. It is contingent and particular, as opposed to a priori knowledge, which is independent of experience.

Synthetic A Priori   drill immanuel_kant_concepts

Explain Kant's concept of "synthetic a priori" judgments.


Judgments that are both informative (synthetic) and independent of experience (a priori). They provide new knowledge about the world that cannot be derived from mere analysis of concepts. Examples include mathematical truths and the principles of causality.

Pure Reason   drill immanuel_kant_concepts

What is "pure reason" according to Kant?


The faculty of reason that operates independently of experience and is concerned with the a priori principles of understanding and knowledge.

Practical Reason   drill immanuel_kant_concepts

What is "practical reason" in Kant's philosophy?


The faculty of reason that is concerned with moral action and the will. It is guided by the categorical imperative and seeks to act in accordance with moral law.

Moral Law   drill immanuel_kant_concepts

Explain Kant's concept of the "moral law."


A universal and objective principle that governs moral action. It is expressed in the categorical imperative and is based on the idea of acting out of duty and respect for the dignity of rational beings.

Autonomy   drill immanuel_kant_concepts

What does Kant mean by "autonomy"?


The capacity of rational beings to act in accordance with self-given laws, rather than being determined by external forces or desires. It is the basis of moral responsibility and freedom.

Enlightenment   drill immanuel_kant_concepts

How does Kant define the "Enlightenment"?


An intellectual movement that emphasized the use of reason and critical thinking to challenge traditional authority and dogmas. Kant's famous motto for the Enlightenment is "Sapere aude!" (Dare to know!).

Author: Jason Walsh

Last Updated: 2024-08-14 06:08:50