Digital Humanities Flashcards

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Digital Humanities Drill

What is Digital Humanities?   drill digital_humanities

Digital Humanities is an interdisciplinary field that applies computational tools and methods to humanities disciplines such as literature, history, and art, facilitating new types of analysis, data visualization, and insights into cultural and historical materials.

Name a popular tool for text analysis in Digital Humanities.   drill digital_humanities

One popular tool for text analysis in Digital Humanities is "Voyant Tools," which provides a web-based environment for reading and analyzing digital texts.

What is the significance of the TEI in Digital Humanities?   drill digital_humanities

The Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) is significant in Digital Humanities as it provides a standard for the representation of texts in digital form, enabling the sharing, analysis, and preservation of digital texts across different projects and platforms.

Describe the concept of "distant reading."   drill digital_humanities

Distant reading is a concept in Digital Humanities that involves analyzing large collections of texts (corpora) to identify patterns, trends, and structures without focusing on close, detailed analysis of individual texts. It contrasts with "close reading," emphasizing macro-level insights over micro-level textual analysis.

What project is known for its innovative use of GIS in mapping historical data?   drill digital_humanities

The "Digital Harlem" project is known for its innovative use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to map historical data, providing insights into the life and culture of Harlem residents during the 1920s.

Author: Jason Walsh

Last Updated: 2024-08-14 06:08:50