# Data Structures Flashcards

Table of Contents

Data Structures Flashcards

Array   drill data_structures


What is an array in data structures?


An array is a collection of elements stored at contiguous memory locations, each identified by an index or a key.

Linked List   drill data_structures


What is a linked list?


A linked list is a linear data structure where elements are stored in nodes, and each node points to the next node in the sequence.

Stack   drill data_structures


Describe a stack and its primary operations.


A stack is a Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) data structure. Primary operations are:

  • Push: Add an element to the top
  • Pop: Remove the top element
  • Peek: View the top element without removing it

Queue   drill data_structures


What is a queue and its main operations?


A queue is a First-In-First-Out (FIFO) data structure. Main operations include:

  • Enqueue: Add an element to the rear
  • Dequeue: Remove an element from the front
  • Front: View the front element without removing it

Tree   drill data_structures


What is a tree in data structures?


A tree is a hierarchical data structure consisting of nodes connected by edges. It has a root node and subtrees of children with a parent node.

Binary Search Tree (BST)   drill data_structures


What are the key properties of a Binary Search Tree?


  • Each node has at most two children
  • The left subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys less than the node's key
  • The right subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys greater than the node's key
  • Both left and right subtrees must also be binary search trees

Hash Table   drill data_structures


What is a hash table and its primary benefit?


A hash table is a data structure that implements an associative array abstract data type, a structure that can map keys to values. Its primary benefit is providing fast (O(1) average case) insertion, deletion, and lookup operations.

Graph   drill data_structures


What is a graph in data structures?


A graph is a non-linear data structure consisting of vertices (or nodes) and edges that connect these vertices. It is used to represent networks, relationships, and connections between objects.

Heap   drill data_structures


What is a heap and its types?


A heap is a specialized tree-based data structure that satisfies the heap property. Two types are:

  • Max Heap: Parent nodes are always greater than or equal to their children
  • Min Heap: Parent nodes are always less than or equal to their children

Author: Jason Walsh


Last Updated: 2024-08-14 06:08:49