-*- outline -*- This is a list of things I think need to be done before release. Add to it and subtract from it. * high priority ** parse .nethackrc ** finish up the cooked status window stuff ** Makefile shouldn't require GNU make * low priority ** tiles under xemacs ** scrolling the map should happen *before* you step across the edge C-l now works, so you can manually recenter ** turning on DEC graphics (for example) breaks things (invalid characters) We need to hardcode/override some of the preferences. ** indicate/track the menu state ;; FIXME: we should somehow track when a menu is active, so if the ;; window configuration gets mixed up while a menu is active, the ;; user knows this and can easily continue working in a menu and not ;; be confused when keystokes in the map buffer arent getting any ;; response. ** design a clean way to customize the printing (how and where (ie modeline)). * lower priority ** make RET or SPC toggle menu entries that the point is on we have too many potential bindings for these keys. what exactly should the defaults be? ** print a message in the echo area describing how to dismiss a popup ** nethack options should be respected where possible in particular the color boolean ** there should be some indication of whether or not a menu is pick-one or pick-any or pick-none. This is not shown in any other port however. ** the menu that never goes away is actually a dedicated inventory window. try to bury it if possible after submitting it, otherwise its always the next buffer in the list, so switching away from the map lands you there. at best, erase its contents so its not quite so confusing. perhaps it should be a hidden buffer? ** fix byte-compile warnings * finished, sorta? ** make all the variables customizable through M-x customize most of these are done. do the rest of them. ** window configuration stuff should be customizable and good something like what gnus has. or maybe something else. I like what we have now, I think we can call this done.