;; fetch.el ;; There are two modules named 'fetch'. One works to provide filename completion when typing long repetetive file names. http://gnufans.net/~deego/emacspub/lisp-mine/fetch/ ;; The other allows users to hyperlink between Java class files when working within a project hierarchy. [[fetch2]] ;;If you decide to include both files in your emacs at the same time, then you will need to figure out how to resolve the function naming conflicts. :) [[Jason]] ;; end fetch.el = Suggestion = Why not rename it to fetch-java, or java-fetch? It would at least give a hint of what it is supposed to do. Having a generic name like "fetch" for a package will always be a problem, sooner or later. -- MaDa : Good point. I'll consider refactoring the names if I ever add additional items to this library. -- Jason