* -*- outline -*- * You are using Emacs 18 or 19, or XEmacs 19. Upgrade. AUC TeX requires at least Emacs 20 or XEmacs 20. * You are using Win32. See . * None if this completion or multifile stuff works... It must be enabled first, insert this in your emacs: (setq-default TeX-master nil) (setq TeX-parse-self t) (setq TeX-auto-save t) Read also the chapters about parsing and multifile documents in the manual. * When I save `foo.bib' AUC TeX forgets the information in `foo.tex'. For various reasons, AUC TeX ignores the extension when it store information about a file, so you should use unique base names for your files. E.g. rename `foo.bib' to `foob.bib'. * TeX-save-document does not work. Make sure TeX-check-path contains "./" somewhere. * Ispell does not ignore TeX macros. GNU ispell 4.0 does not understand TeX. Upgrade to International Ispell 3.1 which works much better on TeX documents.